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In a World of 'More,' Your Heart Longs for 'Less'...

Less complexity, pressure, and stress. Less mental weight and emotional distress. It's time for a quiet mind, inner peace, and simpler success – in life, relationships, and business.

Photo of Shailia Stephens
Shailia Stephens – LIFE & BUSINESS COACH

In a World of 'More,' Your Heart Longs for 'Less'... 

Less complexity, pressure, and stress. Less mental weight and emotional distress.

It's time for a quiet mind, inner peace, and simpler success – in life, relationships, and business.

Photo of Shailia Stephens

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Shailia Stephens – LIFE & BUSINESS COACH

I'm Shailia, Your Guide to a Lighter Life & Simpler Success

My Work, Simply Put

For the last 15 years, I've been helping people ditch the mental weight and dive into the lighter, brighter side of life they crave – 
swapping heavy thoughts for happy moments, heartfelt goals, and simple success.

Once a busy online businesswoman fueled by stress, I now thrive in calm, creating and living at a much healthier pace.

Clients describe our work as a sigh of relief – letting go of fears, 'shoulds,' and worries for effortless change and relaxed leaps.

I help them find inner peace, love, and joy, simplifying their journey to mental health, loving relationships, and purposeful and prosperous work.

When not empowering clients or podcasting, I wander the Taunus hills in Germany with my dogs, Duke and Caine – my slice of heaven.

If you're ready to dive into a lighter, brighter
experience of life or simpler success in your business...

Let's talk –>

Relax and Learn

Interview Series, Podcast Episodes & Blog Posts (English & German)


You are alive. Act like it.

Oct 15, 2024

Du bist am Leben. Verhalte dich so!!

Oct 15, 2024

A Sister’s Story of Healing and Hope

Aug 23, 2024

Von Schwester zu Schwester

Aug 23, 2024

Work With Me

Transformative Coaching for Loving, Thriving Lives and Divinely Simple Strategies for Soul-Centered Businesses

Love Your Life

Life Coaching

3 months of impactful coaching for those seeking to love their life and truly thrive. Uncover an easier way of being – where relationships flourish, loads become lighter, and inner peace reigns. Expected outcome: less struggle, more grace.

Succeed Simply

Business Mentoring

6 months of transformative mentoring for coaches and 'soulpreneurs' ready to ignore the noise, listen to inner guidance, and succeed more simply. Get ready to receive divine inspiration and create results from aliveness & effortlessness.

Launch With Ease

Marketing Coaching

6 weeks to craft a distinctive coaching program, launch and fill it effortlessly – zero marketing or technical overwhelm. For coaches & 'soulpreneurs' with a loyal audience, ready to position themselves uniquely and serve with integrity & love.

If this is where you are ...

You want more ease and grace in your life. OR you want to grow your business consciously and from a place of inner groundedness.

Let's talk –>
Photo of Shailia Stephens
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Dear Inner Peace Seeker,
I Can Help You With ...

Life Coaching

... quieting your mind and circling thoughts,
slowing down to a more healthy pace,
standing on solid ground more often,
hearing your inner wisdom more clearly,
gaining insight into your challenges,
letting go of fear, confusion, and stress,
experiencing more trust, clarity, and ease,
cultivating deeply connected relationships,
living a more meaningful and fulfilled life,
feeling content and relaxed more of the time,
& leading your life from a place of inner peace.

Ready to embark on this
transformative journey with me?

Let's talk –>

Client Love 

Hover Over a Photo to Feel the Love.

Client Testimonials 

Click on a client testimonial to see the person behind the statement.

29 / 15

Years Experience in
Online Marketing /
Coaching & Mentoring


Customers Served via
Online Training &
Self-study Programs


Clients Helped via
1:1 Coaching &
Mentoring Programs
Info Icon

Dear Coach or 'Soulpreneur,'
I Can Help You With ...

Business Mentoring & Insightful Marketing

... letting go of pressure and 'shoulds,'
focusing on what lights you up and feels easy,
finding your unique way of doing business,
divine downloads and ideas that 'hit different,'
connecting with clarity and simple next steps,
positioning yourself from a place of truth,
developing impactful programs you love,
gaining insight into marketing and income,
crafting heart messages that attract clients,
selling with integrity and without pressure, 
falling (back) in love with your business.

Ready to embark on this
transformative journey with me?


Let's talk –>

Life, Relationships, and Business: Just Getting Easier!

Envision the Beauty of Life With Less Anxiety, Conflict, and Overthinking. Imagine Living Your Idea of Success – With Less Striving, Strain, and Stress.

Let's talk –>

Less Is More

A Manifesto for Lighter Living & Simpler Success

"In a world that screams 'more,' I whisper 'less.'
Less mental weight, less emotional distress.

Not more chaos, not more discipline or strain.
But simplicity's embrace where peace does reign.

From heaviness to lightness, from fear to love.
Less pressure, less noise, a life without shove.

Not more frantic 'shoulds' that never seem to cease.
But a quiet mind's wisdom, a heart at peace.

Less rushing, less stress, less insecure thoughts.,
In this quiet space, true wisdom is sought.

From this 'less', springs forth life's truest flow.
Less 'musts,' more inspired action, that's where I go.

Less weight on my shoulders, less holding me down.
More of the simple joys and easy steps that abound.

In this 'less,' I find a bountiful 'more.'
A life of inner peace, deeper love, and prosperity to explore."

May this become your gentle battle cry, my friend!

Shailia Stephens
Lighter Life & Simpler Success Coach

P.S. Need proof I'm not just another internet unicorn and are curious if I've got the creds? Before transitioning to coaching, I spent 14 years consulting renowned global brands as an award-winning Digital Strategist. I'm an ICF-certified coach with a master's degree in Business Management, Coaching, and Corporate Training from the University of Vienna and an Advanced Transformative Coach from Michael Neill's Supercoach Academy. Oh, and a certified Cherry Pepsi addict!


Let's talk when you're ready –>

Less Is More

A Manifesto for Lighter Living & Simpler Success

"In a world that screams 'more,' I whisper 'less.'
Less mental weight, less emotional distress.

Not more chaos, not more discipline or strain.
But simplicity's embrace where peace does reign.

From heaviness to lightness, from fear to love.
Less pressure, less noise, a life without shove.

Not more frantic 'shoulds' that never seem to cease.
But a quiet mind's wisdom, a heart at peace.

Less rushing, less stress, less insecure thoughts.,
In this quiet space, true wisdom is sought.

From this 'less' springs forth life's truest flow.
Less 'musts,' more inspired action, that's where I go.

Less weight on me, less holding me down.
More of the simple joys and easy steps that abound.

In this 'less,' I find a bountiful 'more' – a life of inner peace, more profound love, and prosperity to explore."

May this become your gentle battle cry, my friend. So much love, 💖 Shailia ✨ 


Let's talk when you're ready –>

Get To Know Me Better

Not sure if you're ready for coaching? Come hang out with me and some of my favorite people for a laid-back session.

The Principle of Mind
Gratitude In Spades
When Fear Is Gone

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My Secret Life

Impactful Interview Series

These 21 moving stories of transformation have helped thousands of people find hope and inner peace. Our guests, masterful coaches and individuals much like yourself, reveal their darkest times and their journey to brighter days.
Click here to find out more!

"When the answers are complicated, it's the Intellect. When the answers are simple, it's the Spirit."

–  Sydney Banks  –