Is your mind keeping you from the life you want?

Mar 07, 2025

Hello dear reader,

Everyone has a dream for their life.

I used to dream of slowing down, being less stressed, and having more time for myself to relax and do fun things.

“That’s not much of a dream!” you might say. But back then, it was HUGE to me … and seemed practically unachievable. I’m happy to report, that dream came true.

More recently, I dreamed of making a difference in the world. Another deep desire was to be more impactful in my work as a coach. That dream is still unfolding.

Dreams, big and small, we’ve all got them…

One of my clients dreams of finding happiness after years of struggling with anxiety, depression, and self-doubt.

Another hopes for a fulfilling home life, with strong connections to his wife and children.

My ‘soulpreneurs’ want a full bank account that amply covers their living expenses—they dream of getting there with ease and joy.

So many wonderful dreams … and so much mental noise clouding the experience and getting in the way.

A wonderful person I've been supporting for years refers to it as "compulsive thinking," a term commonly used in the OCD world.

What I mean to say is this …

Persistent, unwanted thoughts—about ourselves, others, the world, or our current situation—can hold us back from realizing our dream.

Just as an example …

Ten years ago, as I tried to slow down and reduce stress, I couldn’t help but compare myself to others who were growing their businesses more quickly than I was.

I couldn’t stop thinking I needed to go faster!!

It was so ironic: The very thing I so desperately wanted was the opposite of what my head kept telling me to do.

And since I believed my thoughts, I’d push myself harder, work more, and try to do better—a never-ending, exhausting cycle.

Later, I realized that a lot of what my brain was telling me wasn’t true … and saw through the illusion long enough to find my grounding and relax.

Still, I can get caught up in the stories my mind creates… and delay for a while the living of my sweet dream… whatever it is at the moment.

It’s the human experience and we’re all having it, some more intensely than others.

Of course, it happens to my clients, too. Sometimes, it breaks my heart for them.

It’s not always easy for me to watch them caught up in their stressful thinking, knowing that what they’re dreaming of is just an arm’s length within their reach.

But they won’t reach out and grab it, so compelling and trusted is their personal thinking.

It can be anything, and the different variations never cease to amaze me.

Some people are constantly consumed by thoughts about their health, holding themselves back from their dream of a vibrant, thriving life.

Others get stuck in an Instagram stream of bad news, worrying themselves sick instead of pursuing a project that's really important to them.

We can have money on our mind, or the lack thereof. We can constantly be questioning our capabilities, our worthiness, our business strategy.

The personal mind is incredibly creative at coming up with perceived problems that keep us distracted from our dream.

But what always brings me hope and refocuses me on the simplicity of life is this …

Everyone has the potential to wake up—not just to how they’re using the beautiful power of Thought against themselves, …

… but to the deeper aliveness within them that refuses to let a good dream go unlived.

No amount of mind chatter, compulsive thinking, negative thought, insecure feelings, or limiting beliefs can keep the beauty of the Spirit within us covered up forever.

If you have a dream for your life, your Spirit is the first to jump in and collaborate with you and unleash the unfolding of it.

Getting to do that is a matter of gaining a better understanding of how you work psychologically and who you are at your sacred core … and a little ‘divine timing,’ to boot.

If you don’t know what I’m on about, don’t worry…

This is the first of a few articles where we’ll be diving into your aliveness and deeper nature. But …

Maybe what you’ve read so far already resonated with you.

If so, and you’d like to explore your dream with me and see how close it really is to becoming your reality, I’m offering a very affordable 6-week coaching experience (1:1 and limited to 4 clients in March and April) called "Dream Unfolding".

This petite yet powerful program is designed to help you gain clarity on your dream, uncover the mental habits that have been holding you back, and position you to move forward with more ease and grace.

If you're interested and want to know more, simply reply to this email (or send a note to [email protected]) with the subject line "Dream Unfolding" … and I’ll send you all the details about the program.

Can’t wait to hear from you! ✨

Much love,



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