Inner Stillness & Outer Success

Jul 12, 2024

A short while ago, I received an unexpected email from Hiekyoung Blanz, a 'soulpreneur’ client I worked with in 2018 when she started her online business.

Her email was so sweet. She sent me a picture of myself from 2018 and another of me from 2024, both from my newsletter. Above them, she wrote, “This is you when we first met.” and “This is you now.”

Later, when we spoke on Zoom, she told me she had sent them to say how much more genuine I’m showing up these days. In the first picture, I'm all dressed up. In the second one, I'm in my basement wearing a simple t-shirt with old pipes in the background.

But that’s not the story I want to share today.

I want to tell you about Hiekyoung and how she found inner stillness, discovered her true self, and achieved outer success.

Maybe this will resonate with you …

Hiekyoung is a dancer. After an on-stage injury ended her career, she came across “The Work” of Byron Katie, which changed her life. When she started working with me, she dreamed of building an online business that combined her love of movement and “The Work” to achieve financial freedom.

We created her positioned offers and mapped out her clever marketing and sales strategy. Then she got to work doing it all. Hiekyoung was one of those dream clients who took action and followed the plan to the ‘T.’

However, by the end of our six-month coaching retainer, she hadn’t reached her goals—in her eyes, she had failed. That led her to book another business coach after me, then an online course, another one, and another.

Each time, over five long years, she failed, fell short, got back up,  then fell again.

Along the way, she developed many skills, including creating funnels, publishing a book, and setting up membership sites.

Despite her flawlessly executing everything she had ever learned, nothing worked for her—or so she thought.

Then, one day, after another attempt to launch a program tanked, she couldn’t get back up again. She couldn’t write another email or hold another webinar; she could only stare at her computer, washed in shame.

That’s when something beautiful happened: her TRUE SELF began calling her more clearly than ever, whispering for her to get still … then enticing her to run. So she did, and what unfolded is nothing short of miraculous.

Hiekyoung began to listen to her inner voice, which she had almost completely ignored in her quest for success. She embraced her deepest knowing, moving away from rigid structures and flowing with what felt right.

What felt right was to create YouTube videos to explore for herself the art of living in the here and now, not for others but for herself.

Today, Hiekyoung has 11,000 YouTube subscribers, more than enough coaching clients, and fully booked retreats.

Her story is a testament to the power of aligning with one’s true self and the incredible outcomes that can result.

In today’s interview, she shares her inspiring story and tells you everything she learned on her way back ‘home’ to her most authentic and connected self.

It’s an interview you won’t want to miss.


So much love,


P.S. Here is the link to Hiekyoung's YouTube channel ...


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